Using Easter Classroom Activities to Teach Resilience and Growth Mindset

This post is all about Easter Classroom Activities.

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Easter is a wonderful time to incorporate meaningful lessons into the classroom. While children often associate Easter with chocolate eggs and fun traditions, it can also be an opportunity to build resilience and a growth mindset. I love using carefully selected Easter classroom activities, to encourage my students to embrace challenges, learn from mistakes, and develop perseverance. You can do the same because in this post, we’ll explore engaging Easter stories, discussions, and activities that foster resilience while incorporating creativity and critical thinking.

Easter Classroom activities

Easter Stories That Promote Resilience & Growth Mindset

Stories are a great way to teach children about perseverance and learning from mistakes. Here are some engaging books that align with these themes:

After reading, engage students in discussions about how the characters demonstrated resilience and growth mindset. Ask questions such as:

  • What challenges did the main character face?
  • How did they overcome difficulties?
  • How can we apply these lessons in our own lives?

Easter Classroom Activities for Growth Mindset and SEL

Encouraging students to develop a growth mindset can be done through a variety of Easter-themed activities. Here are a few ideas:

  • Growth Mindset Easter Egg Hunt: Inside each egg, place a challenge or positive affirmation that encourages persistence, such as “Mistakes help us learn” or “Keep trying, you’re getting better!”
  • Resilience Reflection Writing Prompt: Have students write about a time they overcame a challenge and how it made them stronger.

Here are some Easter-themed Resilience Reflection Writing Prompts that tie into the themes of perseverance, growth, and learning from challenges:

  1. “The Egg That Wouldn’t Crack” – Imagine you are a baby chick inside an egg, struggling to break free. What would you tell yourself to stay motivated? How does this story connect to times when you’ve faced a challenge?
  2. “The Bunny Who Kept Trying” – A young Easter Bunny wants to learn how to hop high enough to deliver eggs but keeps falling. How does persistence help the bunny succeed? Write about a time you kept trying even when something was difficult.
  3. “From Caterpillar to Butterfly” – Easter is a time of transformation. Think about a time when you changed or grew in a positive way after facing a challenge. How did you feel before and after?
  4. “The Broken Egg Surprise” – You decorated the perfect Easter egg, but it fell and cracked. What do you do next? How can mistakes sometimes lead to unexpected opportunities?
  5. “The Great Easter Egg Hunt Challenge” – Imagine you’re on an Easter egg hunt, and all the easy eggs are gone. You have to search harder, but eventually, you find the best egg of all. Write about a time when you had to keep going even when something was tough.
  6. “A Garden of Growth” – Imagine planting an Easter garden, but some seeds take longer to sprout. How is this like learning a new skill? Write about a time when patience and effort led to success.
  7. “Bouncing Back Like a Bunny” – Rabbits are known for their quick hops and comebacks! Think about a time when something didn’t go as planned. How did you bounce back and keep going?
Easter Classroom activities
  • Easter Role-Play Scenarios: Give students different scenarios where they have to practice resilience (e.g., a friend breaks their favourite toy, they struggle with a tricky math problem). Let them brainstorm how to respond with a growth mindset.

Here are a few ideas I have used in my classroom:

1. The Cracked Easter Egg

📝 Scenario: You spent a long time decorating a beautiful Easter egg, but just as you’re about to show your friends, it slips from your hands and cracks. How do you react? What can you do next?

💡 Growth Mindset Discussion:

  • What could you learn from this experience?
  • How can you turn this mistake into something positive?
  • What would you say to a friend if this happened to them?

2. The Easter Bunny’s Delivery Problem

📝 Scenario: You are the Easter Bunny, and you’re delivering eggs to all the children. Suddenly, some of the eggs fall out of your basket! How do you handle the situation? Do you give up or find another way to make sure everyone gets an egg?

💡 Growth Mindset Discussion:

  • What can you do to solve the problem?
  • What do you tell yourself when something doesn’t go as planned?
  • How can you stay positive and keep going?

3. The Lost Easter Egg Hunt

📝 Scenario: You are searching for eggs in an Easter egg hunt, but all the easy ones have been found. It feels frustrating because your friends have already collected a lot. What do you do?

💡 Growth Mindset Discussion:

  • What strategies can you use to keep looking?
  • How can you encourage yourself instead of giving up?
  • Why is effort more important than immediate success?

4. The Chocolate Mix-Up

📝 Scenario: You were really excited to get your favourite chocolate bunny, but when you open your Easter basket, you realise you got a different kind of chocolate. You feel disappointed. How do you react?

💡 Growth Mindset Discussion:

  • How can you handle unexpected disappointments?
  • Can you find something positive in the situation?
  • How could gratitude help in this moment?

5. The Spring Play Setback

📝 Scenario: Your class is putting on a spring play for Easter, and you really wanted the lead role, but your teacher gave you a different part. You feel upset and unsure if you’ll enjoy the play. What do you do?

💡 Growth Mindset Discussion:

  • How can you make the most of the role you have?
  • What are some ways to turn disappointment into motivation?
  • How can you support your classmates and still have fun?

6. The Bunny Hop Race Challenge

📝 Scenario: You enter a bunny hop race, but halfway through, you trip and fall. Others are ahead of you. What do you do?

💡 Growth Mindset Discussion:

  • What do you tell yourself to keep going?
  • How does making mistakes help us learn?
  • Why is it important to finish what we start, even if we don’t win?

Easter Symmetry Art: Linking Growth Mindset to Maths & Creativity

Math and art can also be used to develop patience and perseverance. My Easter symmetry art resource is a great way to help students practice problem-solving and creative thinking. This activity requires students to carefully replicate symmetrical patterns, helping them learn the importance of trial and error, adjusting mistakes, and developing fine motor skills.

Using symmetry art as part of your Easter classroom activities encourages students to take their time, reflect on their learning process, and celebrate their progress. You can check out my Easter symmetry resource here for an easy-to-use activity that integrates SEL with maths and creativity.

Easter Symmetry Drawing Activities – Fun Easter Math & Art Worksheets Grades 2-5


Easter Symmetry Drawing Activity Pack! Designed to integrate math, art, and fine motor skills, these engaging symmetry worksheets will help students develop spatial awareness, visual perception, and symmetry recognition while embracing the festive spirit of Easter.

Encouraging Reflection & Gratitude Through Easter Activities

Reflection is a key component of social-emotional learning. I like to encourage students to think about how they’ve shown resilience in their own lives. Consider using these journal prompts:

  • Describe a time when you kept trying even when something was difficult.
  • What is a mistake that helped you learn something new?
  • How can you apply a growth mindset in the classroom and at home?
Easter Classroom activities

Final Thoughts on Easter Classroom Activities

Easter is more than just an opportunity for celebration, it’s a chance to instill important life skills in our students. By incorporating meaningful Easter classroom activities, we can teach resilience, perseverance, and a growth mindset in a way that engages young learners. Whether through storytelling, creative art, or reflective discussions, these activities help children embrace challenges and develop lifelong learning skills.

Want more ideas? Check out my TPT store for additional classroom resources! Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter for more SEL-focused teaching tips and activities.

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